

Triple H Discusses The Possibility Of A Second WWE Evolution Show

Triple H recently spoke with Digital Spy where he discussed the possibility of a second WWE Evolution PPV happening in the future. Below is a highlight with a H/T to for the transcription.

The first-ever all women’s PPV took place last October in 2018, however, as it stands WWE hasn’t made any announcements about a second show taking place, yet Triple H admits there is a possibility of another one happening.

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“(Evolution) is still on the table, still up in the air as to what will happen and what will go down. I think it might be a little bit on a delay from when we would have liked to have done it, just because there’s only seven days in a week and 24 hours in the day. There’s only so much we can accomplish and have it be done correctly. You don’t want to half-ass it.”

Source :

Digital Spy