

The Latest Health Update On Ric Flair

On Saturday, Ric Flair posted a video on his Instagram page while wearing a shirt that read “I ain’t dead yet motherf***ers.” For more on that, click right here!

Even though Flair is doing better, he is still in the hospital, and according to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, he might need open heart surgery at some point.

“He survived. There’s still a lot of other stuff but… I don’t know [about open heart surgery], but he’s gonna need surgery for the pacemaker at some point. [They’re] probably waiting for him to get stronger to do it. That surgery is not nearly as dangerous as the first surgery, so in theory, the worst is over and everything’s looking good. I don’t wanna say that he’s having open heart surgery because I don’t know that, but I would think that he’d have surgery at some point for the pacemaker.”

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I'm Backkkk! Thanks To Everyone For The Support These Past Couple Weeks. Just When You Thought You Could Count The Naitch Out…. Guess What? I Ain't Dead Yet Mother F**ckers! WOOOOO! @ricflairshop

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