

Zenit 940 All-round Concrete Product Forming Machine

                                               CHAMPIONS MADE IN GERMANY  Series I

                                     Zenith 940 FullyAutomatic Mobile Multilayer Machine

Zenith  940, the fully automatic mobile multilayer block making machine, is one of  the most advanced equipment of the same kind in the world.
With international advanced technology, Zenith 940 can produce a variety of  non-standard and special products that are not able to be made by single  pallet machines.
 It has good adaptability to raw materials and can meet the requirements of  using industrial residue like solid waste and fly ash etc. as raw materialson  a large scale.
Its multilayer production function has great advantages that wet block  piles can be directly maintained and packaged to save a lot of intermediate  transport.
Zenith 940 is known for its quality and safety with less maintenance costs  and higher production efficiency. Its high production performance has been  ensuredby the best quality control and simple control system.
Zenith 940 is the most competitive star product with five technological  advantages of smart operation, hydraulicsystem, mobile production,  synchronization movement and multifunctional feeding system.