

WWE Payback Results – June 16, 2013

WWE Payback 2013

Pre-Show Match: Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow

This is our WWE Payback pay-per-view pre-show match. Sandow is in control early on. Sheamus makes a comeback and nails him with a battering ram for a nearfall. Sheamus goes for forearm shots on the apron but Sandow blocks it. They go to the floor and Sheamus sends Sandow into the barrier. Sandow turns it around and kicks Sheamus in the side of the face. Sandow with another big kick on the floor. Sandow brings it back in the ring and covers for a 2 count. Sheamus fights back but Sandow elbows him in the face. Sheamus with a big slam from the top rope for another 2 count. Sandow ducks a clothesline and sends Sheamus into the ropes. Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep. Sandow nails the Elbow of Disdain for a 2 count. We cut to a commercial for Payback. We come back and Sheamus is taking control. Sheamus comes back with forearm shots. Sheamus with a shoulder thrust but Sandow tosses him to the floor. Sheamus comes right back in but Sandow nails a high knee and a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Sandow with a headbutt but Sheamus knocks him to the apron. They trade shots and Sheamus hits the series of forearm shots to the chest. Sheamus with the rolling senton and another 2 count. Sheamus goes to the top but Sandow cuts him off. Sandow with a neckbreaker from the top. Sandow with another 2 count. Sandow with knees. Sheamus blocks another neckbreaker. Sandow blocks White Noise. Sandow nails a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Sandow with more headbutts and a big kick. Sandow takes Sheamus to the top but Sheamus fights him off. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse backbreaker three times, followed by a Brogue Kick for the pinfall and the victory.

Winner: Sheamus

WWE Payback PPV Opener:

The WWE Payback 2013 pay-per-view show opens with the usual bad ass video package, highlighting the top programs heading into tonight’s big event in Chicago. The video focuses heavily on the two title matches.

WWE Intercontinental Title: Curtis Axel vs. The Miz vs. Wade Barrett

The Miz comes out first to a mixed reaction from the Chicago fans. Out next, accompanied by Paul Heyman, is Curtis Axel. And finally, Wade Barrett makes his way to the ring. Our WWE Payback pay-per-view opening bout is now officially underway. The bell sounds to make this one official, and all three guys stare each other down. Axel tries to clothesline Miz, but Miz ducks and attacks both opponents, tossing Axel over the top and out to the floor. Miz tries for a quick roll up, but hot shots Barrett into the canvas when that doesn’t work. Axel heads back to the apron but Heyman tells him to wait it out. Barrett recovers and tosses Miz to the outside and Miz slams Axel’s head into the apron before sending him back into the ring for a pump-handle slam from Barrett. Miz comes in to break up a pin and tries for the SCF on Barrett, but Barrett shrugs it off. The Miz stuns Axel with a big shot, then walks into a huge kick from Barrett for a nearfall. Barrett stomps on Miz while he’s down. Miz tries to mount a comeback, but Barrett catches him with another stiff kick to the gut. Barrett cuts Axel off from coming back into the ring, but the distraction leads to him getting hung up on the top rope when he misses a kick. Axel heads into the ring and avoids a neckbreaker from Miz, hitting a big dropkick. Axel takes Miz into the corner and kicks and punches away at him. Axel scores a few nearfalls on Miz. Axel slams Miz’s face into the canvas. Miz tries to fight back, but Axel hits him with a series of clubbing blows to the back. Miz comes back with a series of rights and kicks, but Axel comes up with a giant side suplex that plants Miz on the back of his head. Barrett comes in to break up the pin and attacks Axel in the corner, viciously stomping away. Barrett whips Axel into the corner, but runs into a big clothesline from Miz. Miz catches both men with clotheslines and kicks before tossing Axel into Barrett. Miz hits Barrett with the corner clothesline and catches Barrett with a shoulder to the gut. Miz hits a double axe handle to Barrett before almost scoring a pin on Axel. Miz attempts a figure-four, but Barrett avoids it and hits him with the Winds of Change. Barrett tries to pin Miz, but Axel breaks it up. Same sequence where a guy hits a finisher and someone breaks it up happens to both Barrett again and Axel before Axel nearly takes Barrett out with a Perfect-Plex. Miz broke the pin attempt up. Miz avoids a back suplex from Axel and hits the SCF. Barrett tosses Miz from the ring and goes for the pin, but Miz drags Barrett out of the ring. Miz goes for the pin but Axel kicks out. Miz traps Axel’s leg in the corner and hits a running dropkick before trying to the figure four. Axel kicks him off into Barrett’s arms. Miz reverses Barrett and tosses Axel out of the ring. Miz locks in the figure-four on Barrett in the center of the ring. Axel, however, sneaks in and pins Barrett while Miz has him locked in the hold. 1-2-3. New champion.

Winner and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion: Curtis Axel

-A video package hyping up Mark Henry airs.


Backstage, Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel are shown celebrating when they bump into Triple H. HHH gets in Axel’s face and won’t let Axel by him. Vince McMahon comes in and congratulates Axel before dismissing him. Vince says it’ll be HHH vs. Axel live on RAW. He asks if HHH is feeling it. HHH says he isn’t feeling it one bit and walks off. Vince didn’t seem happy about that reaction.

WWE Divas Title: AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn is out first. AJ Lee is out next, accompanied by Big E. Langston. AJ blows a kiss at Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn beats her down to the mat before chasing her to the outside and tossing her over the Spanish announcer’s table. Kaitlyn drags AJ back into the ring and hits her with a right to the back of the head, before delivering a series of blows to the same spot. AJ heads to the outside and runs from Kaitlyn, catching her with a boot to the face on her way back into the ring. AJ laughs and tosses Kaitlyn back into the ring for a quick two count. AJ hits Kaitlyn with a flying back elbow to drop her back to the mat for another two count. AJ picks Kaitlyn up to her feet and drops her with two consecutive neckbreakers for another two count. AJ talks smack to Kaitlyn, who shoves her away and receives a kick to the gut. AJ locks in a sleeper hold on Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn begins to fade. She slowly begins fighting back. Kaitlyn escapes the hold and is in the middle of an offensive comeback right now. Kaitlyn pulls AJ to her feet, but AJ catches Kaitlyn with a crucifix pin. Kaitlyn fights out and stands with AJ on her shoulders, tossing her to the mat. Kaitlyn drags AJ into the ring while she’s grabbing the apron, ripping off her belt in the process. AJ uses the belt and nails Kaitlyn with it behind the ref’s back. She covers Kaitlyn, 1..2……Kaitlyn kicks out! AJ goes to the top. She comes off but is caught by Kaitlyn. AJ turns it around and traps her in the octopus hold. Kaitlyn fights out of the hold and hits AJ with a giant spear. Kaitlyn grabs AJ and blows her a kiss before slamming her head to the mat. Kaitlyn goes for the pin, but AJ kicks out at two. Kaitlyn crawls over to AJ and pulls her up to her feet, putting her on her shoulders. AJ fights out of it and avoids a spear in the corner. Kaitlyn crashes head first into the turnbuckle. AJ locks in the Octopus on Kaitlyn again and Kaitlyn begins to fade. She almost fights out but AJ keeps it on and Kaitlyn is forced to tap out. We have another new champion!

Winner and NEW WWE Divas Champion: AJ Lee


After a scene in the ring that saw Kaitlyn break down and cry during a “You Tapped Out” chant from the fans, we shoot backstage. Layla, Alicia Fox and Natalya are shown trying to console a distraught Kaitlyn to no avail. Kaitlyn again walks off crying.

-Another Wyatt Family video package/promo airs.

WWE United States Title: Kane vs. Dean Ambrose

The bell rings and Ambrose hits Kane with a bunch of punches, backing him into the corner before being pushed away and hit with a big right hand. Kane hits Ambrose with a series of rights before hitting a big suplex and trapping Ambrose in a rear chin lock. Ambrose fights to his feet and hits Kane with a bit head butt, but is caught with a huge backbreaker from the big man. Kane kicks and stomps Ambrose in the back before hitting him with a giant right to the side of the head. Kane whips Ambrose into the corner hard and attacks him in the corner, burying his shoulder in Ambrose’s midsection before hitting him with another big right. Kane hits Ambrose with a big kick, but Ambrose comes back and sweeps Kane’s legs out, taking him down to the mat. Ambrose brings the fight to Kane with punches and kicks before grinding his elbow into Kane’s back, then hitting a dragon screw. Ambrose hits Kane with an elbow drop before wrenching his head and neck. Ambrose lets Kane stand and clamps on a headlock, tries to transition into a neckbreaker, and is pushed off into a big slam from Kane. Kane catches Ambrose with a big kick to the chest before heading to the top. Ambrose stops Kane and attacks for a bit before being pushed away. Ambrose brings the fight to Kane with punches and kicks before grinding his elbow into Kane’s back, then hitting a dragon screw. Ambrose hits Kane with an elbow drop before wrenching his head and neck. Ambrose lets Kane stand and clamps on a headlock, tries to transition into a neckbreaker, and is pushed off into a big slam from Kane. Kane catches Ambrose with a big kick to the chest before heading to the top. Ambrose stops Kane and attacks for a bit before being pushed away. Ambrose ducks a flying clothesline from Kane and hits a flying elbow of his own that’s good for two. Ambrose locks in a modified dragon sleeper before dropping it and clamping on a sleeper hold. Kane stands with Ambrose on his back and crushes him in the corner, but then he runs into a back elbow from Ambrose. Ambrose jumps from the middle rope and is caught with a fist to the gut from Kane. Kane wraps his hand around Ambrose’s throat, but Ambrose fights it off, only to eat a boot to the side of the head. Kane hits a low dropkick to a seated Ambrose that’s good for another two count. Ambrose fights back, trying for a sunset flip, but Kane pulls him to his feet. Ambrose traps Kane in the ropes for a huge dropkick that’s good for a two count. Ambrose teases going for Old School, but Kane yanks him down from the top rope, hits him with two big running splashes before connecting with a giant sidewalk slam that’s good for another two count. Kane heads to the top rope and catches Ambrose with a big flying clothesline. Ambrose ducks out to the apron and catches Kane, snapping his neck over the top rope. Kane responds with a big boot that sends Ambrose to the floor. Kane follows to the outside and Ambrose slaps Kane. Kane responds, hitting Ambrose with a huge right that drops him. Kane dismantles the Spanish announcer’s table and grabs Ambrose by the neck. Ambrose hits the DDT on the outside and heads back into the ring, allowing Kane to be counted out. Ambrose wins.

Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Dean Ambrose

-A video package airs showing a lot of highlights of Rob Van Dam. Apparently he’s returning at the Money In The Bank show.

WWE World Heavyweight Title: Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler

Del Rio is out first with Ricardo Rodriguez. Out next is Ziggler with Langston and AJ. Our World Heavyweight Title match is officially underway. Ziggler bails to the outside to take a breather right away. Del Rio follows, but the ref pulls him back in. Ziggler heads back into the ring and kicks Del Rio in the gut, backing him up into the corner with a series of punches. Del Rio sends Ziggler into the ropes for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, and Ziggler rolls right back to the outside again. Ziggler regroups with AJ and Langston before heading back into the ring. We get another lockup and Ziggler breaks it up with a series of punches. Meanwhile, the crowd is loudly chanting “RVD.” Ziggler charges Del Rio, and he’s backdropped over the top rope and to the floor by Del Rio. Del Rio follows and slams Ziggler’s head into the announcer’s tables. Langston comes in and shoves Del Rio away and the ref tosses him, sending him to the back. Langston argues, but makes his way out of the arena. Del Rio comes in and Ziggler fights back with a series of strikes before slamming Del Rio’s head into the announcer’s table. Ziggler sends Del Rio back into the ring and follows, getting caught with another kick to the face. Del Rio follows up with stomps and head butts to the back of Ziggler’s head before trapping Ziggler in a rear chin lock. Ziggler stands to his feet and fights out of the hold, but Del Rio pulls him back and catches him with a couple of clubbing blows to the back before trying for a suplex. Del Rio lets loose with another kick to the side of Ziggler’s head. Ziggler rolls to the apron and Del Rio traps him in the ropes, hitting him with a series of forearms to the back, and one final one to the back of the head before dropping to the mat with a giant backstabber. Del Rio goes for the pin, but he’s only able to get a two count. Del Rio waits for Ziggler to stand, and he tries for the cross arm breaker, but Ziggler counters his way out of it. Del Rio hits a reverse suplex off the top out of the corner and Ziggler still kicks out at two. Ziggler rolls to the outside and Del Rio hits an immediate baseball slide before heading to the apron and kicking Ziggler flush in the face. The trainer is out and he’s checking on Ziggler and Ziggler is refusing to quit. Del Rio hits Ziggler with an enzugiri for a nearfall. The crowd popped big for Ziggler kicking out. Del Rio goes nuts and starts pounding away at Ziggler. Ziggler hits the Zig-Zag out of nowhere and both guys are down. Del Rio is up first. Ziggler is on his knees. While still on his knees, Ziggler eats a superkick from Del Rio for the 1-2-3. Yet another new champion.

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Alberto Del Rio

CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho is out first. The Chicago fans are respectful and pop for him. Out next is CM Punk, accompanied by Paul Heyman to a rock-star ovation from his hometown fans in Chicago. Punk’s beard has grown a bit. Punk heads to the ring. Jericho and Punk is set to get underway. The bell sounds and Punk and Jericho lock up. Jericho backs Punk up and then shoves him in insulting fashion. Punk shoves him right back and Jericho laughs. The two hit a series of amateur wrestling reversals on each other before Punk starts to slowly take control of the offense. Jericho and Punk trade chops before Jericho attacks Punk in the corner and stomps away at him repeatedly. Punk tries for a tornado DDT out of the corner, but Jericho tosses him away and sends him to the outside over the top rope. Jericho hits the ropes and drops Punk with a baseball slide to the outside. Punk gets back to the apron and catches Jericho throat first across the top rope. Punk heads to the top and hits Jericho with a double axe handle smash that’s good for two. Punk continues to work on the arm, trapping it and wrenching away in an attempt to wear down Jericho. Jericho fights over and hits Punk with a series of punches of the side of the head to break the hold. Jericho hits Punk with a big knee, but then runs right into a big boot from Punk. Punk heads to the apron and goes for a springboard clothesline, but Jericho ducks it and Punk crashes to the mat. Punk hits Jericho with a knee to the gut before sending him into the corner and following with a knee to the face. Punk goes for the bulldog, but Jericho pushes him off and hits the lionsault for a two count. Jericho kicks Punk in the shoulders, then the ribs. Punk gets up and shoulders Jericho but Jericho fights out. Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho, and he’s able to turn Punk over. Punk shakes his head and reaches for the ropes, but he’s in the middle of the ring. Punk reverses into the Anaconda Vice on Jericho. Jericho slowly begins fading. Jericho gets his feet on the ropes to force a break. Punk gets to his knees and calls for the Go To Sleep. Punk shoulders Jericho, but Jericho blocks it and counters, trying for the Walls of Jericho. Heyman climbs up to the apron. Punk shoulders Jericho and sees Heyman, getting distracted and he’s caught with a roll up for two. Punk hits Jericho with a wild kick and both guys are down. Out of nowhere, Jericho nails Punk with the Codebreaker. 1-2….kickout. Match continues. Punk begins to fight back with rights and kicks before sending Jericho into the ropes for a heel kick to the face. Punk hits the running knee in the corner before sending Jericho to the mat and heading to the top rope. Punk looks over his shoulder before pointing to the sky and dropping the elbow. Punk hits the GTS on Jericho for a nearfall. Punk looks shocked. The fans are asking for an encore. Punk hoists Jericho up for another GTS but Jericho slides out. Jericho tries hitting the Codebreaker but Punk avoids that. Punk knocks Jericho out of the ring and to the floor. Punk follows that up with a big dive onto the floor on Jericho. Punk throws Jericho back into the ring. As he heads back in, attempting a springboard move, Jericho catches him coming down with a Codebreaker. 1-2…Punk kicks out. Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho but Punk reverses it into a pin attempt. Jericho kicks out. The two exchange punches. Jericho transitions a Punk move into the Walls Of Jericho. They’re in the middle of the ring. We see Heyman begging Punk not to tap. Punk, one leg at a time, slowly works his way out of the hold. Punk hits the GTS on Jericho, Jericho bounces into the ropes and bounces back into a second GTS from Punk. 1-2-3. Punk wins.

Winner: CM Punk

WWE Tag-Team Titles: Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

The Shield’s music plays and out comes Rollins and Reigns. Out next is Randy Orton. Daniel Bryan comes out last and our tag-team title match is officially underway. Reigns and Bryan will be starting things off for their respective teams. Reigns catches Bryan with a kick and chases him into the corner. Bryan turns things around and catches Reigns with a series of kicks before flipping over him and running into a giant running right hand from Reigns which is good for a two count. Reigns beats on Bryan in the corner and tags out to Rollins who comes in with a series of stomps in the corner before choking Bryan with his boot. Reigns tags back in and he whips Rollins into the corner for a big running forearm that Reigns follows up with a clothesline for two. Reigns traps Bryan in another rear chin lock and the crowd attempts to get behind the challenger. Bryan fights up to his feet and hits a huge running clothesline. Orton and Rollins tag in and Orton hits a couple of clotheslines before hitting a huge snap powerslam. Orton sends Rollins out to the apron, and drops him, hitting Roman Reigns with the suspension DDT instead. Orton runs into a big boot from Rollins, but turns a crossbody into a powerslam that’s good for two. Orton goes for the suspension DDT on Rollins, connecting and dropping him to the mat. Orton drops to the mat and Rollins rolls out of the ring. Orton reaches for Rollins and Reigns blasts him with a huge right hand. Rollins brings things back into the ring and pins Orton for a two count. Rollins stomps away at Orton before tagging back out to Reigns. Reigns comes in and beats on Orton for a bit before going for another pin and getting two. Reigns chokes Orton with his boot and Rollins gets in on the action while the ref is distracted. Rollins tags back in and stomps away at Orton. Orton tries to come back with a series of rights, but Rollins sends him headfirst into the middle turnbuckle to stop the momentum before tagging out to Regins. Rollins tags in and comes right up with a big leaping enzugiri to drop Orton to the mat. Rollins tags out to Reigns, and double team work goes wrong as Reigns’ shoulder connects with the ring post, and Orton suplexes Rollins into Reigns in the corner. Bryan tags in and hits a double missile dropkick before hitting consecutive corner dropkicks on Reigns and Rollins, then another low dropkick in the corner on Reigns. Bryan hits Reigns with a series of kicks to the chest and a big kick to the head. Later in the match, Bryan catches Rollins on the top rope and hits a butterfly superplex that’s good for another two count. Bryan clamps on the no lock, but Reigns breaks it up. Rollins goes for the roll up, but Bryan transitions into the No lock. Reigns breaks it up again. Orton tries for the RKO on Reigns, but gets pushed off. Bryan is speared by Reigns, but Reigns eats an RKO from Orton. Rollins comes in and knocks Orton from the ring and hits Bryan with a running stomp for the 1-2-3. Shield wins.

Winners: The Shield

WWE Title (3 Stages Of Hell): Ryback vs. John Cena

Fall Number One: LumberJack Match

Justin Roberts breaks down the rules for everyone. Fall number one is a LumberJack match. Fall number two is a Tables match. And fall number three will be an Ambulance match. 30 Superstars come out to serve as LumberJacks for fall number one. Ryback comes out first. Out next is WWE Champion John Cena. Our Three Stages Of Hell main event is about to get started. The bell sounds and Cena sends Ryback into the corner, but he’s caught with a huge over the shoulder slam from Ryback for a two count. Ryback waits for Cena to stand and catches him out of a cross body, hitting a fall away slam to send Cena across the ring. Ryback charges Cena in the corner, but misses and connects shoulder first with the ring post. Cena ends up on the outside of the ring, but no one attacks and Cena simply slides back into the ring. Ryback tosses Cena to the outside and this time the lumberjacks attack before tossing Cena back into the ring for a two count. Ryback pulls Cena to his feet and hits a big suplex. Ryback picks Cena up and tosses him out to the floor where he’s mobbed and attacked again. Ryback stomps at Cena’s back and chest as he rolls around the ring. Ryback picks Cena up to his feet, but this time Ryback is tossed outside. He gets right back in and eats two flying shoulder blocks, and a belly to back suplex. Cena calls for the five knuckle shuffle, but Ryback is up, and he presses Cena, sending him flying to the outside. Ryback calls for the Shellshock, but Cena throws him to the floor. All the guys on the floor start fighting each other. Cena heads to the top rope and flies onto all of the guys on the floor. Cena and Ryback are both sent back into the ring. Both guys finally make it back standing and Cena locks Ryback in the STF. Ryback stands up in the hold and drops Cena with the Shellshock. 1-2-3. Ryback wins the first fall.

Winner of Fall Number One: Ryback

Fall Number Two: Tables Match

Ryback heads to the outside and goes under the ring. He grabs a table and brings it back into the ring with him. Ryback sets up the table in the middle of the ring. Ryback picks Cena up and gets him in powerbomb position, but Cena fights out of it. Cena tries to shoulder Ryback, but is pushed off into a giant spear. Ryback picks Cena up to his feet and presses him overhead. Cena falls to his feet and shoulders Ryback. Ryback flips the table falls to his feet, but Cena low bridges Ryback and he falls to the floor. Ryback tosses the ringside stairs into the ring. Ryback sends Cena back into the ring and follows, grabbing the stairs and using them to blast Cena in the face. Ryback holds the stairs high over his head and taunts Cena before dropping them down and throwing them at Cena. Cena moves and the steps crash through the table. Cena takes Ryback to the mat and grabs the stairs, using them to bash Ryback in the face. Cena heads out to the arena floor, going under the ring and grabbing another table. Cena brings it into the ring and sets it up in the ring. Ryback grabs the stairs, but Cena blocks a chair shot. Cena falls on the table and Ryback brings the stairs down. Cena moves and Ryback breaks another table. Ryback throws the stairs at Cena, but Cena ducks and the steps fly up the entrance ramp. Cena hits a suplex and the five knuckle shuffle. He goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Ryback hits a spinebuster to cut him off. Ryback hits the Meathook clothesline and grabs another table from the floor. He brings it into the ring and sets it up. Ryback hoists Cena up for the Shellshock but Cena reverses it into an Attitude Adjustment through a table. Cena wins the second fall.

Winner of Fall Number Two: John Cena

Fall Number Three: Ambulance Match

Ryback is pissed and sends Cena to the floor. He takes apart the announcer’s table and powerbombs Cena through it. Ryback drags Cena back into the ring. Ryback punches the hell out of Cena in the corner. Ryback beats Cena all the way up the entrance ramp, taking him towards the ambulance. Cena manages to reverse Ryback at one point and sends him into the ambulance hard. Cena pulls some crutches out of the ambulance. Ryback, however, hits Cena with a huge kick before he can use them. Ryback goes to punch Cena but ends up putting his hand through the ambulance window. Cena slams Ryback into the side of the ambulance. The ambulance door opens and Cena slams Ryback so hard into the door that it comes off the vehicle. Cena picks up the ambulance door and beats Ryback with it. Moments later, Ryback reverses Cena and throws him onto the ambulance hood. Ryback tears a piece off the ambulance and beats Cena with it. Ryback goes for a powerbomb but Cena backdrops Ryback onto the hood of the ambulance. Cena rips the lights off the ambulance and beats Ryback with them. Ryback grabs a crutch. He goes to hit Cena with it but Cena grabs it and nails Ryback across the back with it. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment on Ryback through the roof of the ambulance. Cena wins.

Winner of Fall Number Three and STILL WWE Champion: John Cena

Backstage News From Payback PPV + Raw *SPOILERS* For Tonight …