Ring of Honor: Best in the World
Baltimore, Maryland
June 28, 2019
Ring of Honor returns to the UMBC Event Center in Baltimore this evening for their annual Best in the World pay-per-view. You can order the event on FITE.tv or through the FITE app, or in the video player embedded above. Our coverage begins at 9PM ET.
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Lee immediately hit a huge shotgun dropkick sending Castle into the corner, then followed up with a series of three consecutive running dropkicks to the face, scoring an incredibly close early nearfall. He went for a dive over the ropes to the outside, but Castle caught him out of the air and destroyed his back with a powerbomb on the apron!
Castle spent the next few minutes brutally smashing his opponent into the barricade, over and over again, twice so hard that Lee actually flipped into the fans in the front row. He returned to the ring to begin applying submissions, slowing things down while also clawing away at the lucha sensation’s mask. Eventually Lee comes back with a dropkick sending Castle to the floor, then launched himself through the ropes with a tope suicide headbutt, rocking the former world champion.
The two fought back into the ring and Castle tried to throw strikes, but Lee caught him with a knee strike into a Reverse Rana for two-and-a-half. He climbed the ropes looking to put things away, Castle caught him and set up for the Bang-a-Rang, but Lee spun him around into a Tornado DDT! He hits the ropes – but gets turned inside out by a huge lariat! Another lariat connects. He hits the Bang-a-Rang and covers for the 1…2… Castle refuses to end the match.
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He has it won, but instead throws his opponent into the corner hard. He does a little peacock taunt, runs across the ring and hits a nasty shotgun dropkick to the face. This time he makes the cover for real, and scores the win.
Winner: Dalton Castle