Ric Flair recently appeared as a guest on Busted Open Radio to promote his new ESPN 30 For 30: Nature Boy documentary. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.
On the current state of his health: “I had ten days of life support, brother, that would wake anybody up. I’m just lucky I’m here, I just kind of take each day, I don’t take anything for granted anymore. They gave me a 20 percent chance of living and somehow I made it through it.”
On his road to recovery: “When I got out I only weighed 206 pounds, I lost 43 pounds. I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t even twist the top off a Gatorade bottle. I could stand on my legs, but I couldn’t walk, so I had to go to a rehab place for 20 days of physical rehab where they make you walk with a walker and then a cane and then you learn to walk by yourself. That took a while, and then I couldn’t drive a car. I ate anything in the world, but couldn’t gain any weight because all the food I was consuming was going towards repairing internal tissue that was ruined because when I went into the hospital my kidneys failed, I had respiratory heart failure and I had pneumonia all at the same time. Brother, I don’t drink anymore… The doctor told me if I ever had a drink again, I wouldn’t make it through another operation like that.”
Check out the complete Ric Flair interview from Busted Open Radio at SoundCloud.com.