The National Wrestling Alliance debuted a new web series on their YouTube channel. Entitled “One Nation,” the series follows NWA National Heavyweight Champion Willie Mack, as he defends the title, and even sets up a future defense against Jay Bradley. Willie Mack won the NWA National Heavyweight Championship on October 21st. Here is the full episode description:
NWA National Champion Willie Mack won the title at #NWA70 back in October. At that event, Willie Mack wanted to see his journey documented like #TenPoundsOfGold. The series #OneNation takes up the journey of Willie Mack as he hopes to defend the NWA National Championship in all 50 states of America. In this episode one, Willie Mack takes the famed NWA National Title to Ring of Honor Wrestling as he appears for Tag Wars. Also he’s confronted by a wrestler with an axe to grind against the National Wrestling Alliance.