

Curt Hawkins Loses Twice In One Night, The Rock On Triple H & Stephanie Lip Synch Battle, Goldust On His Time in WWE

Curt Hawkins’ “impressive” losing streak continues, as Hawkins lost to both Goldust and Braun Strowman in one night this past Friday night. That brings Hawkins to 0-161, and he Tweeted the following:

Somehow I managed to lose twice tonight…
I don’t know if that’s awesome or absolutely pathetic.
Oh, well.

— Brian Myers (@TheCurtHawkins) January 20, 2018

Read Also: The Rock Has a Great Idea For Hawkins’ Losing Streak

Goldust On His Time in WWE

In related news, Goldust Tweeted the following ahead of tomorrow night’s WWE Raw 25 special:

23 of the 25 yrs of Raw, I have spent as #Goldust . You’ve laughed, you’ve cried, you’ve hated and come to adore me. Very thankful that Istill have a place in your hearts!’ #raw25thanniversary #KeepSteppin #Blessed #GoldenAge

— Dustin Rhodes (@Goldust) January 20, 2018

The Rock Comments On Triple H & Stephanie Lip Synch Battle

As noted, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon had a lip synch battle against The New Day on “The Tonight Show” this past week, and The Rock offered his opinion of their performance with the following Tweet:

Ha bravo! You both killed it. Power of Moana.. you’re welcome 😉👊🏾 #TwerksAndHighNotes

— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) January 19, 2018

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