Curt Hawkins’ “impressive” losing streak continues, as Hawkins lost to both Goldust and Braun Strowman in one night this past Friday night. That brings Hawkins to 0-161, and he Tweeted the following:
Somehow I managed to lose twice tonight…
I don’t know if that’s awesome or absolutely pathetic.
Oh, well.
— Brian Myers (@TheCurtHawkins) January 20, 2018
Read Also: The Rock Has a Great Idea For Hawkins’ Losing Streak
Goldust On His Time in WWE
In related news, Goldust Tweeted the following ahead of tomorrow night’s WWE Raw 25 special:
23 of the 25 yrs of Raw, I have spent as #Goldust . You’ve laughed, you’ve cried, you’ve hated and come to adore me. Very thankful that Istill have a place in your hearts!’ #raw25thanniversary #KeepSteppin #Blessed #GoldenAge
— Dustin Rhodes (@Goldust) January 20, 2018
The Rock Comments On Triple H & Stephanie Lip Synch Battle
As noted, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon had a lip synch battle against The New Day on “The Tonight Show” this past week, and The Rock offered his opinion of their performance with the following Tweet:
Ha bravo! You both killed it. Power of Moana.. you’re welcome 😉👊🏾 #TwerksAndHighNotes
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) January 19, 2018
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