

Video: Hulk Hogan Comments On Ultimate Warrior's WWE Hall Of Fame Induction caught up with Hulk Hogan this week and asked him about the news of The Ultimate Warrior being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

After their much-publicized personal rivalry, Hogan appears to have buried the hatchet and said “He’s a good choice for the Hall of Fame.” Hogan added, “He’s a good man.”

Back in the summer of 2011, after Hulk Hogan had been running down the Ultimate Warrior in a series of interviews, Warrior unleashed his 55-minute “Karma Collects” video on Youtube, accusing Hogan of being an avid user of cocaine and marijuana, keeping other wrestlers hooked on drugs to hold them down, having an ‘open marriage’ with his ex-wife Linda, offering his wife’s ‘services’ to other wrestlers back in the day and being a disgraceful parent (among other things).

Hogan also spoke to TMZ about the WWE Network and gave an update on his kids, Brooke and Nick.

Here’s the video:

* VIDEO: Ultimate Warrior’s “KARMA COLLECTS” Video Destroying Hulk Hogan