WWE Superstar Roman Reigns recently spoke with U.K. media outlet The Mirror about the possibility of squaring off against his relative, Hollywood big shot Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, at an upcoming WrestleMania pay-per-view.
“Yeah I mean, when I first heard about the match with Cena, I immediately was thinking ‘man, let’s save this, let’s do this at WrestleMania,’ said Reigns. “But when the time is right, the time is right. But in the same light, I can only see me and Rock going at WrestleMania.”
Reigns continued, “Not only because of his schedule, but just the level of that match and the level of superstar that he is and you know, where I’m trying to get. But we also have a deep family tie. We represent the same family tree and having the opportunity to represent our culture, there would obviously have to be a sit down and we would have to express how we feel and the light we want to do this in… because there’s a lot of people we represent watching. The last thing I want to do is make it confusing or anything like that.
But at the end of the day, I know it’s a money match. And I’m the guy who is still in the ring, so if someone who isn’t in the ring every single night wants to come back in the ring, we now call it my yard, so he is going to have to come to me and then we’ll go from there. It won’t go down anywhere other than a WWE ring, that’s all I’m saying. If he wants to get it, then I’m not stepping back for anybody.”
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Check out the complete Roman Reigns interview at Mirror.co.uk.