

Cody Rhodes Claims That NXT Going Against AEW Was A Reactionary Move

Cody Rhodes recently spoke with Collider Live where he addressed WWE’s decision to move NXT to two hours up against AEW each week. Below are some highlights with a H/T to for the transcription.

“I do think that NXT going directly against us and then switching to two hours the week we debut is 100% reactionary,” stated Cody. “I’m not saying it’s a smart move or not a smart move, it’s just 100% reactionary, whereas, I like that. We were always going to be on TNT and this was always the time slot. We just have to focus on what we’re doing. If we become a reactionary brand, I think that’s a bad call. What happens when you become reactionary is it becomes about, ‘Well, The Undertaker is gonna be teaming with Johnny Gargano’ and then all of a sudden, you’re grasping for pieces of nostalgia and you’re playing the wrong notes versus what, I think we already have, which is a product that people want to see.”

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Collider Live

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